How to Store Expensive Rugs


Expensive rugs, especially Oriental ones, are both beautiful and valuable. To keep them in great shape, proper storage is a must. Understanding climate and humidity is crucial to protect these treasures.

First, make sure your rugs are clean before putting them away. The Carpet and Rug Institute says you should clean your rugs every 12 to 18 months. This is important because each square foot can collect a lot of dirt. For Oriental rugs, clean them yearly and rotate them to keep them looking their best.

It’s also vital to keep your rugs in a temperature-controlled space. A cool, dry environment that’s not on the ground is best. Moisture can harm rug fibers, so it’s important to keep the temperature and humidity levels steady.

Pests like moths and insects can damage luxury rugs, especially those made of wool or silk. Using repellents against these bugs is a smart move, especially in basements, attics, or garages.

Last, when you store or move your rug, roll it with the soft fibers inside. Then, wrap it in fabric that can breathe, like cotton or muslin. Following these steps keeps moisture and pests away, protecting your valuable rug.

The Importance of Proper Rug Storage

Keeping your rugs stored right is key to stopping damage. It also holds onto their worth and beauty. Make sure rugs are in a spot with the right climate. Control the humidity and check for bugs. This helps keep them in top shape.

Well-kept area rugs can stay nice for five to ten years. The Carpet and Rug Institute says clean them every 12 to 18 months. They recommend this to get rid of dirt well. Oriental rugs should be cleaned once a year and switched around to wear evenly.

Each rug type needs special care. For natural fiber rugs like coir, cleaning means regular vacuuming. This lets dirt fall to the floor. Talcum powder is good for fur and sheepskin rugs. When you store your rugs, keep them away from the ground. A cool, dry place is best to avoid damage.

Use polyurethane storage bags for extra protection against moisture and bugs. Keeping the right temperature and humidity is also important. A dehumidifier or air conditioner can help with this. Check your rugs every six months. This stops mold and keeps them nice.

Protecting rugs from pests is vital, especially for natural fiber ones. They can get bugs easily. Products with magnesium silico-flouride can stop bugs by changing the wool’s taste. Pyrethrins kill moths and their larvae without hurting people. If the bug problem is bad, freeze the rugs to get rid of them.

It’s crucial to listen to the pros like ABC Oriental Rug & Carpet Cleaning Co. They know how to clean, treat for moths, and store rugs well. Following their advice helps you keep your rugs looking good for a long time.

Essential Pre-Storage Preparation

Before you store a rug, be detailed in the setup to make it last. Start with a deep clean by a pro. This removes dirt and stains, key for keeping pests away. It’s very important, especially for wool, cotton, and special rugs.

Make sure the rug is dry entirely. Wool rugs absorb water easily and stay damp, causing mold. Cotton rugs also need to be really dry due to their soft yet absorbent nature.optimal rug storage preparation

When clean, protect your rug from pests. Mites and moths love to ruin natural fibers. Use safe bug repellents to keep them away without hurting the rug.

When wrapping your rug, pick materials that breathe like cotton or muslin. Never wrap it in plastic as it traps moisture. The way you wrap a rug is vital for safe storage, helping keep out dust and pests. Also, keep rolled rugs flat to stop them from changing shape.

Choosing the Right Storage Area

Selecting the right place to store your rugs is crucial. Look for spots that are always at the same temperature, with low moisture, and good air flow. Avoid places without these features, like attics and basements. These places can get too hot, too cold, or too damp. Instead, choose rooms inside your house or use a climate-controlled storage unit.

Life Storage offers units that keep the temperature between 55 and 80 degrees. This range is perfect for keeping rugs safe from humidity. Plus, these units are great at keeping pests and thieves away.

If you must use an attic, make sure it’s well-ventilated. Use a fan or a humidifier, and keep windows covered to block out light. Also, keep the space clean by vacuuming it often. Don’t forget to avoid damp spots and never pile rugs on top of each other.

It’s a good idea to check your stored rugs from time to time. This helps you catch any problems early, like bugs or mold. For safekeeping, store your rugs in a dry, cool place, off the ground and away from light. This care will help them last a long time and keep their value.

Wrapping Your Rug Correctly

Wrapping your rug right is key to keeping it safe. It helps prevent damage and preserves its life. Use materials like cotton sheets for best results. They let the air flow and stop dirt and dampness. Wrap your rug with care, and it will stay in good shape.

When you wrap your rug, seal all the edges tight. This stops bugs and damp from sneaking in. Lift rugs off the floor to keep them dry. For a short time, brown paper is a good wrapping choice. Also, check your rug often to avoid problems.

Using the right cover keeps your rug safe from harm. These steps are important for your rug’s health and value. So, protect your rug well!

Rolling vs. Folding Rugs

Storing rugs right means rolling them up correctly. It’s best to roll rugs instead of folding them. This keeps rugs safe and free of damaging creases. By rolling rugs the right way, you protect the fabric and stop it from cracking.

Use a strong core to roll rugs on. This keeps the rug’s shape and stops it from folding. It’s wise to roll with the softer side inside to keep your rug safe.

If you have to fold a rug, be very gentle, especially with small ones. Folding can hurt the rug’s backing if it’s not careful. Rugs stand better when stored upright. Use rods for support. These tips help keep your rugs in good shape for longer.

Expert Advice on How to Store Expensive Rugs

Keeping your expensive rugs safe is key when not in use. By using expert knowledge on storing rugs, you can make them last longer. They can stay nice for five to ten years or even more if you care for them right. Remember, this means paying close attention to where you store them, how you prepare them, what you wrap them in, and keeping them clean.

Choose a storage spot that is cool, dry, and away from light and harmful things. It’s important to keep the environment for your rug stable. Before storing, some rugs might need special cleaning, like hand-knotted or antique ones. The experts recommend cleaning each rug every 12 to 18 months. This can remove a lot of dirt and keep your rug in good shape.

When you wrap your rug, do it the right way to protect it. Roll it with the soft side inside. Cotton sheets or muslin are good to use because they let the rug breathe. Wrap your rug well to keep it safe from outside damage. Make sure the materials you use are clean and safe for your rug.

Using a repellent for bugs and moths is also smart for rug care. This helps stop pests from harming your natural fiber rugs. Put your rugs on something, not directly on the floor. This stops them from getting too much moisture, which can damage them.

By carefully preparing and storing your rugs and keeping them clean, you help them stay in great shape. Following this expert advice can keep your rugs looking beautiful for many years.

Long-Term Storage Considerations

When storing rugs for a long time, there are many things to think about. Keeping the environment level in temperature and humidity is key. This stops lasting damage.

Wool or silk rugs are very at risk of pests if not stored right. So, it’s vital to use strong storage options. For pest control, mothballs or cedar blocks can help.

A cover made of tough yet breathable material can shield rugs from dirt and dust. Checking on your rugs every six months is wise to keep them safe from mold.

Avoid storing them in hot places like the attic, as this can harm the fibers. Instead, choose spots that are well-ventilated and dry. This keeps pests away and prevents moisture damage.

It’s important to tightly roll the rug for storage. Never put heavy things on top, as this can crush the fibers. Before you store them, clean the rugs well to get rid of dirt and debris that bugs like.

By using these rug preservation tips, you can keep your rugs in top shape.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Checking your rugs often is key for keeping them in good shape. Take them out of storage every six months. Let them air out and dry. This helps keep them in great condition. Look for mildew, pests, or places that are damp.

Regular checks are a big part of taking care of your rugs. This way, you can spot problems before they get bad. If you find any issues, like damage or if they’re wet, get help. A professional cleaning service can fix these problems. Also, make sure the materials you use to wrap the rugs are dry and in good shape.

Creating a plan to care for your rugs is smart. This means checking them often and keeping the room the same temperature and humidity. Fixing any small problems quickly will help your rugs last longer. Taking good care of your rugs this way will keep them beautiful and valuable for a long time.

Avoiding Common Storage Mistakes

Storing rugs right is hard because of many risks. Make sure to clean them well before storing. Use the right cleaning solutions to get rid of any pests or mold. Also, they must be completely dry.

Do not wrap rugs in plastic. It keeps in moisture, causing mildew. Instead, use materials like Tyvek paper, muslin, or cotton.

Never put heavy things on top of stored rugs. This can make them lose shape. If rugs sit on concrete, they might get too damp and weaken. Always keep them off the ground.

Check your rugs every few months. This helps you find problems early. Keeping up with inspections makes sure your rugs stay in great shape.

  1. Clean Properly: Always clean and dry the rug before storage to avoid infestations.
  2. Use Safe Wrapping Materials: Protective fabric or paper is better than plastic for storing rugs.
  3. Avoid Heavy Loads: Do not place heavy items on the stored rug to prevent deformities.
  4. Elevate the Rug: Keep rugs off concrete floors to prevent moisture damage.
  5. Check Regularly: Inspect rugs regularly to catch and prevent any potential issues.

Follow these tips to keep your rugs safe in storage. This helps avoid many common problems. Your rugs will look great when you take them out.

Utilizing Professional Storage Services

Specialized rug storage facilities are perfect for those not wanting to store their costly rugs themselves. These places have controlled climates, keeping rugs safe from serious heat, too much dampness, bugs, and being stolen. By choosing professional help, you make sure your rugs stay beautiful and valuable for years to come.

When you start, professionals look at your rug to figure out how best to clean it. The Carpet and Rug Institute says dirt can weigh as much as a pound in a square foot of rug. Cleaning your rug right is key, whether it’s a small braided one washed gently or foam used for a bigger rug. This cleaning helps keep your rug nice for a long time.

Once your rug is clean, it gets wrapped carefully and placed just right in the storage area. They wrap it in fabric like cotton or muslin and roll it softly to keep its shape. It’s also smart to keep rugs up off the floor in a place that’s cool and not too wet. Plus, they check on your rug now and then to make sure it’s okay. This check helps catch any problems early, saving your rug from getting ruined.

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